Re.T.I.M. measures the deformations of the structural elements installed along the transport networks through a continuous and automatic remote monitoring system. It is suitable for controlling the stability over time of all those structural elements constantly subjected to the effects of cyclic loads, due to the action of wind, traffic and normal deck oscillations.

The Re.T.I.M. system, consisting of an inclinometric apparatus and fixed to the structural element to be monitored, is designed for high barriers – such as noise barriers, integrated noise / safety barriers and windbreak barriers – installed and/or anchored on works of art, for portals, for lighting poles, for vertical signs etc.
It is self-powered, georeferenced and small in size, with a gateway – WiFi Sensor Hub which transmits, in real time, to a central control system, the values of the movements at regular intervals established according to the expected monitoring. The measurements of these movements, related to weather and traffic data, are recorded, archived and processed.

The evaluation levels of the structure safety conditions
The evaluation levels of the structure safety conditions may be organized into three different levels:
Level 1 – Admissible – No alarm: this level includes the percentage variation of the inclination, compared to the reference value, measured in a short time interval and with a low frequency. In this condition, no specific extraordinary intervention is required, while normal routine maintenance operations remain active.
Level 2 – Attention – Attention alarm: the percentage variation of the inclination falls within Level 2 when, with respect to the reference value, it is greater than Level 1, both in terms of measured values, interval and frequency. Under these conditions, a timely control intervention and the activation of a specific extraordinary maintenance are necessary.
Level 3 – Danger – Danger alarm: the percentage variation of the inclination, with respect to the reference values, exceeds the threshold of the maximum permitted value – regardless of the measured interval and the frequency – falls within Level 3. In this case, an immediate maintenance intervention is necessary to prevent and eliminate any potential dangerous situations for road users, and the alert may even lead to traffic limitations and/or blocks.
Piattaforma web dedicata
The platform allows the collection and querying of the data received from each individual inclinometer in real time, through a cloud environment, in order to manage any alarm signals and any interventions in a simplified and rapid way.

For road safety barriers, the Re.T.I.M. is based on the use of accelerometer sensors, geolocated and self-powered, connected to each other and to a master node on site via a wireless network.
The sensors are able to continuously and in real time measure the deformations of the barriers due to the loss of tightness of the anchors, the loosening of the bolts or the lesions of the welds.